Crystal Clear Series: Trial Kit
Crystal Clear Series: Trial Kit
Crystal Clear Series: Trial Kit
Crystal Clear Series: Trial Kit

Crystal Clear Series: Trial Kit

Regular price $113.82
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3 in stock

Crystal Clear® Series resins are water white clear and made specifically for applications that require absolute clarity. These rigid urethane casting resins differ only in working and demold times. Low viscosity ensures easy mixing and pouring. Crystal Clear® products cure at room temperature with negligible shrinkage. Cured castings are UV Resistant and are not brittle. Vibrant colors and color effects are achieved by adding SO-Strong® color tints. Applications include encapsulation, making prototype models, lenses, sculpture reproductions, decorative cast pieces, jewellery, prototype models, special effects and props. Heat curing is essential to realize full physical properties. Read the Technical Bulletin for full details.

  • Crystal Clear® 200 - 16 hour cure time - for ½" - 3" thick castings
  • Crystal Clear® 202 - 90 min. cure time - for 1/16" - ½" thick castings
  • Crystal Clear® 204 - 48 hour cure time - for 3" - 6" thick castings
  • Crystal Clear® 220(85 Shored) - Pot Life 22 Minutes - 4 Hours Demould

CAUTION: NOT FOR HOME USE. THIS PRODUCT IS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY - Proper ventilation, a NIOSH Approved Respirator and Protective Clothing are required to minimize the risk of inhalation and dermal sensitization. If breathing is affected or a dermal rash develops, immediately cease using this product and seek medical attention. Read MSDS before using.